Title Tambura u Glazbenoj školi u Varaždinu
Title (english) Tamburitza at the Music School in Varaždin
Author Jurica Tuđan
Mentor Veljko Valentin Škorvaga (mentor)
Granter University of Zagreb Academy of Music (Music Pedagogy Department) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-03-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Art of Music Reproductive Music (Conducting, Singing, Playing an Instrument)
Abstract Cilj je diplomskog rada opisati uvođenje i razvoj tambure u nastavnome procesu u Glazbenoj školi u Varaždinu. Uvodni dio rada odnosi se na sam instrument, odnosno njegov kratak opis. Prije uvođenja tambure u sustav Glazbene škole u Varaždinu muziciralo se na tamburama u Varaždinu i bližoj okolici i nekoliko desetljeća ranije, najviše u radničkim i kulturno-umjetničkim društvima. Iz tog razloga jedan dio rada posvećen je proučavanju sviranja na tamburama prije njihova uvođenja u školski sustav obrazovanja. Bitno je naglasiti da je Varaždin jedan od prvih gradova koji je prihvatio tamburu i uveo ju u Nastavni plan i program glazbene škole početkom šezdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Iako tambura nije ispočetka bila uvedena kao glavni predmet, muziciralo se na njoj veoma kvalitetno i na zavidnoj razini. Tamburaški orkestar Glazbene škole u Varaždinu osvojio je brojne nagrade na natjecanjima i nastupao diljem zemlje, Europe pa čak i u Americi te svugdje izazvao pozitivne reakcije. Osim što će u radu biti opisana tambura i tamburaški orkestar Glazbene škole u Varaždinu iz tog doba, jedan dio bit će usmjeren i na tamburu kao glavni predmet, odnosno doba današnjice o kojemu će neke informacije uz intervju dati jedan od nastavnika tambura u Glazbenoj školi u Varaždinu, Miodrag Paravinja. Kao glavni predmet u osnovnoškolsko obrazovanje tambura je u varaždinsku glazbenu školu uvedena 2012. godine, a dvije godine kasnije, točnije 2014., uvedena je kao glavni predmet i u srednju školu. Svake se godine na taj smjer upisuje nekoliko učenika koji tijekom osnovnoškolskog i srednjoškolskog obrazovanja mogu steći zvanje glazbenik tamburaš te time imaju mogućnost nastaviti svoje daljnje školovanje na muzičkim akademijama.
Abstract (english) The aim of this master's thesis is to describe the introduction and development of the tamburitza in the educational process at the Music School in Varaždin. The introductory part of the thesis relates to the instrument itself, providing a brief description. Before the introduction of the tamburitza into the system of the Music School in Varaždin, tamburitza playing was prevalent in Varaždin and the surrounding areas several decades earlier, primarily within workers' and cultural-artistic societies. For this reason, a portion of the thesis is dedicated to studying tamburitza playing before its integration into the educational system. It is essential to emphasize that Varaždin was one of the first cities to embrace the tamburitza, incorporating it into the curriculum of the music school in the early 1960s. Although the tamburitza was not initially introduced as a primary subject, high-quality and commendable playing was achieved on it. The tamburitza Orchestra of the Music School in Varaždin won numerous awards at competitions, performed across the country, Europe, and even on another continent, eliciting positive reactions everywhere. In addition to describing the tamburitza and the tamburitza orchestra of the Music School in Varaždin from that period, a section of the thesis will focus on the tamburitza as a primary subject, specifically in the present day. Information about this contemporary era will be provided through an interview with one of the tamburitza teachers at the Music School in Varaždin, Miodrag Paravinja. Introduced as a primary subject in elementary education in 2012 at the Varaždin Music School, the tamburitza was later included as a primary subject in high school in 2014. Each year, a few students enroll in this program, allowing them to earn the title of tamburitza musician through elementary and high school education, with the opportunity to continue their further studies at music academies.
Glazbena škola u Varaždinu
Nastavni plan i program
tamburaški orkestar
glavni predmet
Keywords (english)
Music School in Varaždin
curriculum of the music school
tamburitza orchestra
primary subject
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:116:388435
Study programme Title: Integrated Undegraduate and Graduate University Study Programme for Instrumentalists; specializations in: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Percussion, Harp, Violin, Viola, Guitar, Piano, Organ, Harpsichord, Euphonium, Tamboura, Violoncello, Double Bass Course: Tamboura Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra muzike (magistar/magistra muzike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-06-13 11:27:15