@book{muza:3019, author = {{Kogler, Susanne and Blažeković, Zdravko and VanderHart, Chanda and Gower, Abigail and Ćurković, Ivan and Giffhorn, Jan and Vukobratović, Jelka and Bratić, Martina and Damron Kyle, Amy and Kostka, Violetta and Karwaszewska, Monika and Dys, Hanna and Stefanija, Leon and Borsan, Vanessa Nina and Marolt, Matija and Pesek, Matevž and Čunko, Tatjana}}, title = {{Musicology and Its Future in Times of Crises : Proceedings of the Conference on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Department of Musicology, held at the University of Zagreb – Academy of Music, from November 25th to 28th, 2020}}, }