Sažetak | Prevencija ozljeda kod pijanista temelj je ovog rada. Kroz zdravo vježbanje i dugoročnu prevenciju može se uvelike izbjeći eventualne profesionalne ozljede. Samo sviranje klavira zahtijeva savladavanje tehničkih problema gdje je neophodna kompetentna podučenost. Pravilno vježbanje kao takvo obuhvaća raspored vježbanja, pravilnu tehniku, pravilno držanje tijela i opuštanje, odabir prikladnog repertoara, zagrijavanje, osvješćivanje pozicije za instrumentom u svakom trenutku, zdrav stil života i mnogobrojne druge čimbenike koji značajno utječu na prevenciju potencijalnih ozljeda. Fokus ovog rada usmjeren je na spoljne čimbenike podložne utjecaju. Iako do ozljeda dolazi kombiniranjem različitih faktora, one su najčešće uzrokovane prenaprezanjem i nedovoljnom svjesnosti o vlastitom tijelu. Zanimljiva činjenica govori kako pijanisti i dalje nisu svjesni važnosti prevencije i svjesno djeluju tek po nastanku ozljede. Fizička i psihička rehabilitacija je ono što je vrlo slično, ako ne i identično prevenciji, stoga se unutar ovog rada prikazuju metode i načini prevencije. Cilj ovog rada je podići svijest o važnosti prevencije potencijalnih ozljeda pijanista pri čemu je naglasak na stvaranju izdržljivog i ujedno fleksibilnog aparata koji će pijanistima služiti ne samo u sviranju, nego i u životu. Na području Republike Hrvatske, nažalost, danas ne postoji medicinska služba za liječenje ozljeda kod glazbenika, a samim time niti za poduku o prevenciji. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Prevention of injuries in pianists is the fundamental essence of this paper. Through healthy exercise and long-term prevention, the performer can largely avoid possible professional injuries in his playing career. Playing the piano itself requires mastering the technical difficulties, where competent teaching is necessary, as well as the source of the program as well as work on interpretation. Prevention as such includes an exercise schedule, proper technique, proper body posture and relaxation, selection of a suitable repertoire, warm-up, awareness of the position at the instrument at all times, a healthy lifestyle and numerous other factors that significantly affect the prevention of potential injuries. Within this paper, the focus will be on external factors subject to influence. Although injuries are caused by a combination of different factors, they are most often caused by overexertion and insufficient awareness of one's own body. An interesting item says that pianists are still not aware of the importance of prevention and act consciously only after an injury occurs. Physical and psychological rehabilitation is something that is very similar, if not completely identical, to prevention, therefore, the methods and ways of prevention are presented in this paper. The goal of this work is to raise awareness of the importance of preventing potential injuries to pianists, with the emphasis on creating a durable and at the same time flexible device that will serve pianists not only in playing, but also in life. In the territory of the Republic of Croatia, unfortunately, there is no medical service for the treatment of injuries in musicians, and therefore not even for prevention. |