Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
FIELD OF ART Art of Music Reproductive Music (Conducting, Singing, Playing an Instrument)
Koncert Josipe Leko (orgulje), bivše studentice Muzičke akademije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Koncert je održan na Muzičkoj akademiji u Koncertnoj dvorani "Blagoje Bersa" 26. 1. 2021. Program: 1. Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: Sonata u A-duru br. 3, op. 65 (Con moto maestoso – Andante tranquillo); 2. Johannes Brahms: Fuga u as-molu, WoO 8; 3. Sigfrid Karg-Elert: Prozori katedrale, op. 106 (Kyrie eleison – Adeste fideles); 4. Wolfgang Rihm: Tri fantazije; 5. Max Reger: Koralna fantazija br. 3 „Halleluja! Gott zu loben belibe meine Seelenfreud“, op. 52.